Farewell Nutella | Teen Ink

Farewell Nutella

April 12, 2013
By bensal BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
bensal BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Farewell my old favorite oh chocolatey you,
you are a somewhat hazelnut flavored goo.
Your name is Nutella and you light up my day,
until my stomach hurts and I want you to go away.
Mom says you’re bad and I know it’s true,
but you’re the best kind of hazelnut-chocolatey goo.
You taste so great in a sandwich with fluff,
but really, Nutella, I’ve had enough!
You sit in the pantry so harmlessly all day,
just waiting for me to come sweep you away.
But no more, I tell you, I won’t give in,
for now your home is a stinky trash bin.

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