The Broken Hearted Girl | Teen Ink

The Broken Hearted Girl

April 17, 2013
By mykdoe BRONZE, Dededo, Other
mykdoe BRONZE, Dededo, Other
2 articles 1 photo 1 comment

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Don't let anyone bring you down and tear you apart, just get back up ten times stronger and avoid and ignore people who bring you down and tear you apart, and stand up for yourself <3

I felt lost and lonely when you left me broken hearted and lonely.
This day felt like my heart just wanted to stop and never love again. Well I couldn't get over the fact that we were already through, but honestly I was just totally screwed, to actually thinking you were the one for me but I guessed wrong because you were never the one for me. I felt upset and depressed for a while but what can I say you were just in denial, through all those wasted tears I cried, well tonight I'm saying goodbye and no denies about that, well I can't believe all the things you told me were all lies but once again I never lied, when I told you everything I really meant it but when you ignored me and took me for granted I couldn't stand it, the fact that you told me you wanted to be with me forever but we never lasted so forever was never.

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