Your Strength | Teen Ink

Your Strength

April 23, 2013
By rebemwal BRONZE, Exton, Pennsylvania
rebemwal BRONZE, Exton, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I need to feel your lips
Pressed up against mine,
Whispering our “I love you”s
Between deep kisses
That send me higher with each sharp intake of breath
And the sweet exhale of our love.

I need to feel your hands on my hips
Right above my faded scars.
Your hands leave traces of safety,
A lighthouse in the dark
Of the nights I fear the most
When I get forced into loneliness.

I can’t wait to lace my fingers in your hair again,
The slight tugs reminding you
“I’m still here”
And “I need you”
As you tuck mine behind my ear,
As a notion of “I cherish you”.

Kisses left on collarbones and hipbones
Remind us of our pasts
And our fears of their recurrences.
But stronger still of the thing we have now:
Our love.
And that’s all we need

The author's comments:
My boyfriend and I have both been through some tough stuff before we met and started dating, and have been recovering as we grow closer. It's hard but it's so amazing at the same time.

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