I Am From... | Teen Ink

I Am From...

April 26, 2013
By Fatema BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
Fatema BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will work."
Dr. Robert Anthony

I am from my pink Barbie jeep, the black and white Mickey Mouse shows, and our colorful bunk bed.

I am from the Callaway Garden located in Pine Mountain, GA with numerous, colorful butterflies dancing toward my family.

I am from a friend break-up turning 13 bossy girls against 4 best friends.

I am from my first polar bear stuffed animal, the trips across the country, nd watching countless hours of Finding Nemo.

I am from my 2nd youngest cousin vomiting on me while my uncle is driving us to DQ for some ice-cream.

I am from the burn of baking homemade pizza for the first time at my cousin’s house.

I am from my brother’s blood-oozing head by falling off 2 story marble stairs in India.

From his broken arm in Hopkins Elementary.

From my brother, Mohammed’s, broken leg while playing soccer at GSA.

I am from playing hide and seek in Harbins Point with Alina, Batul, and Mohammed.

From running around like monsters while playing tag.

From Aunt being Simon to the quiet game on the dinner table.

I am from joyfully leaping over the river at my Aunt’s to get to Alina’s apartment.

From biking and playing in a castle tent.

From not wanting to leave Alina after what fun we had!

I am from old, black and blue sofas, the green envy carpet, and sliding closet doors in my old house.

From clothes stacked neatly on my half of the closet.

From watching Dragon Ball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and Power Rangers while cable lasted.

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