I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

April 28, 2013
By bunny904 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
bunny904 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember
The first time I saw you.
Your wrinkled, worn hands.
Your warm, tender eyes.
And your gentle, friendly laugh.
As I attempted to walk over
at a clumsy age of six.

I remember
That Christmas when you surprised me.
Your strong, joyful hugs.
Your soft, peaceful voice.
And your thoughtful, caring wishes.
As we sat near the glowing tree
At a cheerful age of eight.

I remember
The summer I spent with you.
Your hilarious, imaginative stories.
Your helpful, wise advice.
And your beaming, aged face.
As we spent our days on the porch swing
At a curious age of ten.

I remember
The time I found out you were gone.
The pain in my chest.
The tear-soaked tissues.
And the unhelping condolences from my friends.
As I so dearly wished to see you one more time
At an understanding age of twelve.

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