I am gone | Teen Ink

I am gone

April 29, 2013
By Kolt_16 SILVER, N/A, Nebraska
Kolt_16 SILVER, N/A, Nebraska
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I can’t believe
the lies in which I am told.

The lies in which,
if I had not known better,
would send me off a cliff.

Mistruths that pour from my mind
into the cell that is my heart,
dripping with the cold reminders
of a winter’s ice storm
leaving me shivering and
longing for Your touch.

Your touch that outshines
a thousand suns and
warms my bones until I am an angel,
shining with the wonder of
Your Majesty that you have
gifted to me.

But yet I sit here,
sorrow flooding my heart
my eyes are set on my own reflection
and I block out all others that I
see standing beside me,
actually believing the lie that
I’m alone in this world
and that surely no one will miss me




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