To dream or not to dream | Teen Ink

To dream or not to dream

April 28, 2013
By Mengxuan Ma BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
Mengxuan Ma BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To dream or not to dream- that is the question:
Whether ‘tis merrier to indulge in optimism
The possibilities and opportunities of dreaming big
Or to stay pragmatic in the face of reality,
And, by not hoping, escape the disappointment.

To accept, to obey the path of predestined fate-
No more- and by following to say I lose
The harsh battle against reality-
That people scorns-
‘Tis a misfortune
I must not conform to.

To fight, to hope-
To dream, perhaps too big. Ay, there’s the horror.
For in wishing the out of reach of a brighter future
When we are surrounded by sounds of discouragement
Must force us to hesitate.
That’s the hindrance
That makes impossible of optimism.

For who can stand the mockery of defeat,
The people’s judgmental stares,
The loving parents’ forced encouragements,
The sorrow of meaningless smiles,
The jaded afterschool review sessions,
The ignorant questions of strangers,
And the cruel remarks
That chit-chatters utter behind our backs,
When they too may fall short
On dreams that never came true?

Who would be afraid to dream,
To suppress and tuck away the passion of their life,
But that the fear that failure may be worse than not trying at all,
The longing hope that was shot down before carried out,
The regret spirals
While we linger in never ending agony
Wishing we had given it a chance
Instead of losing completely in not dreaming at all?

Thus the possibility of success does make dreamers of us all,
And thus the risk of conforming
Is lessened by the daring hope of optimism,
And ecstatic moments of dreams come true
With this regard their worries are set aside
And lose the fear in favor of miracle.

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