I Am.... | Teen Ink

I Am....

April 30, 2013
By yayarox101 GOLD, Jackson Heights, New York
yayarox101 GOLD, Jackson Heights, New York
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
When the world is dark smile! Your smile will make everything bright. SMILE SMILE SMILE!!!

I am creative and mysterious.
I wonder what the blind really sees.
I hear my grandfather. Now past.
I see time pass as the day goes by.
I want to visit paradise.
I am creative and mysterious.
I pretend I'm on stage. Singing the lyrics of my thoughts.
I feel the blow to my heart.
I touch your soul.
I worry about the fate of my people.
I cry for reasons unknown.
I am creative and mysterious.
I understand day and night.
I say let the darkness lead the way.
I dream of the shadow of the day as it embraces the world in gray.
I try to see the details in every rose.
I hope to start someday's again.
I am creative and mysterious.

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