Us Against the World | Teen Ink

Us Against the World

May 5, 2013
By KittttyyyKat12345 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
KittttyyyKat12345 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Expect worst, hope for the best

Strangers once, now names carved in a tree

I like to test his limits, always skating on thick ice
Freeing myself, I spiral out of control
When I fall, his arms never fail to catch me
After I’ve been held, his musical voice sings the truth of the ice

He makes me want to force myself up, try again

Spinning in circles, looking into crystal clear blue eyes
Not caring about who or what comes by
Or if they make their judgments, putting our names in files
Knowing him to the fullest of anyone, no words
need to be said to find the nook in his ever growing hand

I want to be a better person, anything for a smile to complete his face

Tears are my middle name; he always finds a way to
make a laugh take its place
He shares his thoughts, feelings as if they belong to me
Being a teacher, he knows how to lead me off the ice
when my lungs have also turned into slick ice

Glued to my hip, he takes me to our tree

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