Your Face | Teen Ink

Your Face

May 7, 2013
By Kolt_16 SILVER, N/A, Nebraska
Kolt_16 SILVER, N/A, Nebraska
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

i couldn’t help but,
gaze across the crowd,
searching for, seeking,
your face in which,
i often do not lay,
my eyes upon,
for miles intercede,
our dwellings,
and the years,
you have endured,
surpass mine,
leaving a gap,
that only a unique bond,
of some sorts could,
connect us together,
once more.

you came to mean,
so much to me,
in those,
one-hundred-twenty hours,
filled with altruism,
touching my soul,
teaching me that,
no matter what,
there was somewhere,
i could find love.

the love and,
acceptance i felt,
from you,
and all the others,
was beyond what,
i ever knew,

so gratuitous was it,
that today,
seeing something,
i miss so much,
made me smile,
because it turns out,
your face gets me through,
those days when,
i cry myself to sleep,
at night.

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