You're Never Gone | Teen Ink

You're Never Gone

May 13, 2013
By Slooowvana BRONZE, Valley Mills, Texas
Slooowvana BRONZE, Valley Mills, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What Suzie says about Sally says more of Suzie than of Sally.

And now you see,
what’s come and gone.
The pain sets in,
from things gone wrong.

There’s no one here,
what’s left is broken.
How do I forget,
your words once spoken?

I’m standing here,
arms spread wide.
I need you back,
right by my side.

I close my eyes,
I can’t look down.
My shattered life,
Lie on the ground.

My body’s numb,
what can I do?
I’ll pray to him,
to now greet you.

Deep in my soul,
you still live on.
For in my heart,
you’re never gone.

The author's comments:
This is for anyone who has ever lost a loved one.

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