A Cracking Soul | Teen Ink

A Cracking Soul

May 14, 2013
By Destiny963sw SILVER, Avondale, Arizona
Destiny963sw SILVER, Avondale, Arizona
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
-Walt Disney

I felt it start when your words did not come.
The tear little by little extended,
But we had spoken of what we would become.
This thought slashed pain through me, the tear not yet mended.
I remember I trusted you with childish faith,
I cringe at the crack I hear from within,
Now to me, nothing will ever be right.
Your heart skipped a beat when I would lean in.
No! I can’t let you hurt me anymore!
Our hearts were intertwined, yes, but the hurt ran so deep I could take no more.
My heart in pieces, it can barely force out a beat.
When night creeps through the gap it threatens to rip my stitches.
The ugly, uneven, stitches of time.
You infect every corner of the gash you left behind.
You ripped out part of me when you walked away.
And I know I will be able to also someday,
I will be able to walk away,
But for now I am stuck in this prison you made,
That day when you told me we could never be.
I bet you knew it would ruin me.
You stood back to watched as I suffered from your torture.
The worst kind of torture,
Not a knife or a poison or anything between,
A cracking soul is what I’m suffering.

The author's comments:
This just came to me one day... I was so excited when my friends and teachers said it was really good!

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