God's Orbital Gift | Teen Ink

God's Orbital Gift

May 14, 2013
By 16nsandstrom SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
16nsandstrom SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you are lucky enough to have something that makes you different from everyone else, don't ever change." ~ Taylor Swift

Out of all the trillions of moons in the universe
Why did Earth get this moon?
What makes it different than any other?

Our Moon is cried out to
By Satan's demonic followers
They feed on a full moon
All is dark around them
Except the glowing orbital sphere

Our moon leaves us just enough light
For our eyes to cringe, squint, and
Squeeze to see down the dark paths

The moon keeps track of the yearly harvest
It is a bright diamond shining through
The deep, rich blackness
Accompanied only by the
Dim twinkles of the other suns

The moon rips the ocean water across
The rough, jagged terrain
That lies beneath the capsizing waves
High tide, low tide, high tide, low tide
It is an infinite cycle

Why is this our moon?
No other moon could do the job better
It perfectly suits our imperfect earth

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