Knife In One Hand | Teen Ink

Knife In One Hand

May 9, 2013
By Justinception SILVER, Garden CIty, Kansas
Justinception SILVER, Garden CIty, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'll just be a story in your head. But that's okay, I guess. We're all stories in the end. ~The Eleventh Doctor

Knife in one hand
and your life in your other.
When did it become a choice
between living and dying?
I used to know someone so full of life
that outshone the stars every day and night.
I don’t know where she went,
but she’s not the broken person I see before me.
When did it become a choice
between help and pride?
Knife in one hand
and both our lives in the other.

The author's comments:
This was written about my mom. There was a time when all you would ever see was a smile on her face but not now.

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