Insanity | Teen Ink


May 10, 2013
By trekkie00 SILVER, Wichita, Kansas
trekkie00 SILVER, Wichita, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once, I remember, I did not understand the inter-workings of life, innocence they call it
Then I grew and understood the complexities in few
The World became my hustler while throwing away pieces of me,
Expectations morphing and changing with time
With society approving or rejecting, tying the audience to the perfect crime
Structure as a guide lends no hand to independence
What is in the name of creativity?
Originality proves all but lost in the drowning world
To survive one must sacrifice their true self, their soul
Suicide it is to be unique to remember who you are
Understanding another provides a lost concept
A lost cause is myself, humanity
Why try when even satisfaction is mistaken as pride, or sin
Opinions condemned never negotiated to spread without care
The point is lost on each generation to work for your future to dream for a better one
To go the distance, the extra mile, is looked down on, never appreciated
To be strong in your convictions is seen as inflexible and weak
Love is a myth in this world, lost like the forgotten leaders of ages gone by
Materialism and pain fill the void of the heart
Looking ahead not behind is not understood
An incessant knowledge, a curiosity for the unknown
Beauty in art fall on the blind and deaf with dark hearts
Desire to be loved is shared by all, though forgotten and lost with death surrounding
Love and pain become synonymous in abuse all over
Tears shed for lost time and pain without comfort
Growing fear becomes evident when without another soul to keep
Loss of the mind slowly, slowly grows with the pain, the fear, the lack of control
Losing a battle to time with society as judge and the world as an audience
Only in death do we all become equal and world peace complete, silence, relief

The author's comments:
Just a piece of my poetry, a view on society...

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