Last Chances | Teen Ink

Last Chances

May 22, 2013
By Kathryn Julian BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Kathryn Julian BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I promised myself I wouldn't cry
Put that in the pile of promises I'd never keep.
Along these crowded halls, I march
Slowly, holding onto that last breath of conditioned air.
Stalling in my last stride out these doors.
I never felt this way before.
Why do I care now?

This is where I met my friends at lunch on the front stairs.
Here is where I found my backpack after I lost it "for the last time"
There is the stairwell he and I held hands in,
And that is the bathroom I cried in when we broke up.
Here is where everything and nothing mattered.
Now is when I say goodbye.

The author's comments:
This is my personal reflection on the last day of my senior year in high school. High school is the place where everything matters but nothing really matters.

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