Tomorrow | Teen Ink


May 19, 2013
By lalala123 BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
lalala123 BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Your always trying to do your best.
But, nobody knows that your depressed.
You work hard every single day and night.
Until you get your life the way you want it, just right.

Things are getting harder, which makes you very scared.
It makes you want to break a window, until glass is everywhere.
Their life is easier than yours, which is why their picking up the pace.
You can’t keep up. That is why tears are running down your face.

Life is getting harder, whether you like it or not.
There is happiness in their minds, but sadness in your thoughts.
Eventually, you will find what you have been looking for all along.
Right now, your looking at life wondering how did you get it wrong.
Trust me, I know that you’ll find your way.
Tomorrow, a few years from now, but just not today.

The author's comments:
This bittersweet poem,entitled "Tomorrow",describes an individual who is depressed about their life. The message is, that you won't find "yourself" in a day. It may take a few years before you discover true happiness.

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