On The Edge | Teen Ink

On The Edge

May 20, 2013
By Heart-of-gold96 BRONZE, Green Covesprings, Florida
Heart-of-gold96 BRONZE, Green Covesprings, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
learn to dance in the rain.

Discomfort and agony,
She walks the corridors.
Wondering what new things she’ll learn about herself today.
She’s hurting,
So why does it have to be this way?

Will she go home sobbing just as the day before?
It’s not much longer she can endure this,
That’s for sure.

She sits in the bathroom stall
Gazing down at her tray
It’s not been touched at all.

She scrutinizes the graffiti behind her
Hateful and inconsiderate word spit upon that wall
Her world feels so big,
And she feels entirely too small.

“She’s so disgustingly fat; I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot poll!”
Tears begin to swell up in her eyes
You don’t even know her!
Why destroy her with such criticism and lies?

Concealed by her own reflection,
She longs for nothing but pure perfection.

You may believe you’ve lost this fight,
But I promise if you can bear this
You will soon begin to see the light.

On the field he’s a phenomenal foot ball player,
Helmet on, shoulder pads placed,
He’s about to meet his enemy face to face.

Back in the locker room,
Fear washes over him like a crashing wave
He knows what’s coming
Why? All because he likes the same gender!
His pain is numbing.

See that girl you just shoved?
She already gets enough of that at home,
She feels unloved.

See that boy you called coward?
His mother died a year ago,
Since then his self esteem has become increasingly low.

See that cheerleader you just called a s***?
She was raped,
Her only comfort is to cut.

See that man you just called a freak?
He lost his limbs fighting for our country,
When you tease him,
He feels rejected and weak.

See that kid you just called stupid?
He was born with a serious learning disability,
He can’t change it,
While at school he feels shame and humility.

Each cruel word you say
Effects somebody
In some way.

The sun will rise,
And the moon will fade
You’re only changing them to a darker shade.

On and on time will tick,
but you criticism will forever stick.
See that kid cowered in a corner?
Get up and go say hi to them,
What’s it going to hurt?

You can change someone’s day
Just by being nice,
Instead of yelling the careless words you blurt.

If you stop and listen to those people
They can teach you amazing things.
Trust me; you’ll never go back,
Learn to spread those wings.

You may not realize it now ,
but the words you say
just might be the difference between a person’s life,
And whether they’re truly done.

Leave the clique,
Lend them a hand,
Don’t keep sinking in that sinking sand.

You never know who’s hanging on the very edge,
But wouldn’t it be nice to help them from jumping off the ledge?

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this because well, everyone in life at some point has to experience bullying unfortunately and it depends on how you let it effect you. I believe the world would be a better place if people would try to pick up more than knocking you down.

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