Brave | Teen Ink


May 20, 2013
By Steven20 SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
Steven20 SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Brave young child hold your head up.
You're more than what people think you are.You are so courageous and mighty. You stand in the midst of evil and fight the enemy like a soldier.

Your heart is prowess,prompt,and pure.
You show no fear towards the most dangerous attraction.
Your mind is mentally bulk and stable so nothing can get to you.

Brave young child you have the power to make a thug Change his life.
You have the power to excel in everything you do.
You have an elite gift that no one else haves.

Expand and extend your imagination.
Keep succeeding,keep that hunger and motivation to achieve.
Because you are a brave young child.

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