Ice Cream | Teen Ink

Ice Cream

May 29, 2013
By iRead BRONZE, Albrightsville, Pennsylvania
iRead BRONZE, Albrightsville, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I like ice cream.
I like the way it feels
On my tongue
In my mouth.
So cold, but
Soft and hard, all
At the same time.

I like ice cream.
I like the way it tastes.
My taste-buds quiver
In joyful wonder.
A small sample of
Heavens snowy bliss.

I like ice cream.
I like the way it smells.
A sweet, sugary confection.

I like ice cream.
I like the way it sounds.
Listen close enough and
You will hear
The mellow sound of harp-strings
Being plucked by angel’s wings.

I like ice cream.
I like the way it looks.
White and fluffy, like
Heaven’s clouds, with
Sprinkles making a rainbow for me.

I like ice cream.
It is something I adore.
Whenever I finish
All my being asks for
More, More!

The author's comments:
We had to eat ice cream in class and write a poem about the sensations we felt. This is what I came up with.

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