Why Can't We Be More Alike? | Teen Ink

Why Can't We Be More Alike?

May 20, 2013
By audix2 BRONZE, Avondale, Arizona
audix2 BRONZE, Avondale, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Why Can’t We Be Alike?”
Enigmatic anomaly,
He tore himself as I sat,
He fought and overcame as I took a beating,
He climbed mountains while I plummeted,
He moved on as my jealousy circulated,
No longer supine I wondered,
Why can’t we be more alike?
The green-eyed monster melted and I climbed the heaping mass,
And when I reached him,
He let go,
Because I had held my grasp,

The author's comments:
replace the word "He" with "I" as i wanted to be more like myself and felt lost but then I settled myself to be in harmony.

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