What I Learned From High School | Teen Ink

What I Learned From High School

May 22, 2013
By Maya_D GOLD, Glenwood, Maryland
Maya_D GOLD, Glenwood, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not an adventure if you know what you're looking for.

You will regret every chance to challenge yourself you don’t take.

There is something in you,
and in every person,
worth showing.
Find that something and let the world see it.

You will meet some people
who will care about you.
However, many people will not.
Some will try and fail,
while others will not try at all.
These people are extras;
you and you alone get to choose
who has the supporting roles.
Hold on to the people who care like your last breath; they will get you through your worst
and your best.

One day
someone who didn’t care will see me after many years.
I hope that when they ask
“don’t you remember me?”
I will remember to ask
“Why would I?”
before going on to sign the next book.

Do not give your heart
or anything else
to anyone who doesn’t value you
as much as you value yourself.

The social hierarchy will always be around.
Even teachers are just grown up high schoolers.
Some things don’t matter—
this is one of them.

Never shut yourself out
out of fear of being shut out.

Live loudly and incessantly
and the people who matter will notice.

Do not let the notion that a number defines you
disrupt your mental health.

Do not let the notion that another person can define you
disrupt your mental health.
Never force yourself into loving someone
out of fear of not being able to fall in love.
You are not as cold as you think,
and not as vulnerable as you let yourself feel.

The moments when everything around you breathes
and you take a moment to look around and say
“This is real, this is my life”
are snapshots you should take with you wherever you go. When you’re standing alone,
and without a car on a backroad,
look up at the stars and say “brilliant.”
You are brilliant.
Life is brilliant.

Wanting to die is a waste of time.

Never let anyone get away with treating you
less than you are.
You are the most important thing in your life,
so if someone gets that wrong,
correct them.
Remember that
no one lays a hand on your perception of yourself
without your permission.
So perceive yourself as wonderful.

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