Lost in Words | Teen Ink

Lost in Words

June 7, 2013
By ShannonMorse BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
ShannonMorse BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Chicken nuggets is my family" - John Green

Reality is Hard.
You could shake and cry until you burst,
But an author will get you engrossed
With a lost hero waiting for motivation
And a colorful villain always failing.
With places and creatures overflowing with magic,
You could spend hours with a book
Weeping over stale coffee
Wondering why their lives are so hard
And why yours isn’t more like theirs.
You’ll start staring lovingly up at space
And thoughtfully out at rain.
You’ll never forget to look for silver linings
Or to appreciate the little things
Because you’ll know, more than anyone,
That reality is hard
But books are not.

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