An Insular Man's Realization | Teen Ink

An Insular Man's Realization

June 6, 2013
By sarajrich SILVER, Bangkok, Other
sarajrich SILVER, Bangkok, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you face towards the sun, your shadows will always fall behind you.

Today I had the most
shocking day.
A black man helped me
cross the road.
I suppose they aren’t all
drug addicts
or thieves.

I stopped to eat at a cafe.
I saw a woman
in a business suit.
I almost laughed
untilshe smooth-talked her way
into the best deal of her life.
I suppose not all women
must clean the house
look after children
and cook.

At the park
I saw a gay couple.
Disgusting! Abominations!
But they were the only couple
to help the child
who had been bullied
and left in the sand.
I suppose not all gays
are revolting
or disgraces
to society.

And today I realized
Not everything is as it seems
and you cannot judge
without seeing the whole picture
and you should not judge
those who do not judge you.

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