An United Nation that is Split in Half | Teen Ink

An United Nation that is Split in Half

June 6, 2013
By mnichol07 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
mnichol07 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
if you woke up today, only with what you thanked God for yesterday, what would you have?

Let me tell you something: we live in an untied nation that is completely split in half
We live in a united nation where you, you, and you are more concerned about everyone else but yourself and where you, you, and you can’t think of anyone but yourself. We are Split in half
We live in a united nation where half of our states allow gay marriage and the other half look down upon them. We are split in half.
We live in a united nation full of hypocrites who tell young girls how to look and dress and glare at them when they are not size zero, but then turn sad when those young girls kill themselves trying to get to their standards.
We live in a united nation where women are still fighting for their rights but still expect to be treated like a princesses.
We are given leadership skills at young ages, but no one knows how to use them. We hoard our skills. Those skills are not yours, rather something that you are supposed to shard with everyone. We are split in half between those who have the skills and those who need them.
Land of the Free, home of the brave? Yes we are free, or so we say. How can anyone be free in a society were all we do is judge. Nothing, not even words come without a price.
We live in a united nation where you are raised to judge race, gender, figure and so much more. We are split in half.
We live in a united nation, where if everyone was blind, we would all see better.
Let me tell you something: we live in a nation full of hypocrites who say one thing and want the other.
Are you a hypocrite? I bet you, because we live in the most confusing society ever. Where we see one commercial for abortion and the next is for diapers.
Is it possible to fix this? Perhaps so, if you stop being so selfish and show everything you know though words and actions
If you’re doing it for fame, then stop right now because leaders are not supposed to be big and powerful or at the forefront of battle, rather just reflections through their followers
Think for a moment about anything, anything at all. Does everyone in society agree with it? No, because we live in a united nation that is completely split in half.

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