Falling | Teen Ink


June 26, 2013
By Ciel-chan GOLD, Cape Town, Other
Ciel-chan GOLD, Cape Town, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Someone, somewhere is always fighting for you, as long as you remember her, you are not alone.

The sky was black and starless
So many light's were on it looked like day
I tried not to breathe too deep
As I knew the nauseating smell that awaited
I was just a kid
I never asked for any of this to happen
Yet my words were pushed aside
Uncared for
Now the seas are black
The fish are gone
There are no more stars
I was just a kid
I wanted to laugh, to roll down hills, to shriek , to cry, to fall in love
As I sat on my window ledge
More tears fell onto my already wet hands
I cried for the starved children lying buried beneath the ground
I cried for the love we humans had lost
I cried for the Earth who had been a victim of our cruel naivety and greed
Standing up on my window ledge
I wiped my eyes
And saw, for the last time,
The night sky
As I stepped forward and fell
I swore I saw the real stars
Just once

The author's comments:
Once again, the ignorance and naivety of the human race is astonishing. When people are afraid of something they tend to make the issue smaller than it actually is, thereby making the matter not so pressing. How much more can we continue to live under false pretenses? I don't want to live in a world where I am constantly having to think about survival. I don't want to live in a world where I can't even see the stars. It's time we stopped being scared and started to wake up.

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