Fragility From a Perspective | Teen Ink

Fragility From a Perspective

June 18, 2013
By CaitlinIsobel BRONZE, Leeds, Other
CaitlinIsobel BRONZE, Leeds, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&#039;Moderation is a fatal thing, nothing succeeds like excess&#039; Oscar Wilde<br /> &#039;The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams&#039; Eleanor Rosevelt

Don't you think that happiness is fragile?
Writhing in its delicacy - we know.
Basking in the risk that tomorrow it may,
be gone.
Yet still, again, we're left astounded
When it's arrogated from our life
(or appears to be).

This could mean that
there is existing sunlight that we fail to see, or that,
veritably, it wasn't stolen, it was simply

The author's comments:
A quote from author John Green - 'the world is not a wish granting factory'.

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