Summer Nights | Teen Ink

Summer Nights

June 18, 2013
By Caroline Albanese SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Caroline Albanese SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There’s always that one night during the summer
The one that’s so hot that you can’t even wear a t-shirt to bed
You sleep on top of the covers; or you at least try to sleep
Then there comes a point late into the night,
Just before the break of dawn,
That it’s almost chilly and you’ve now awoken
And you’re half-awake when you reach over for the sheets
Suddenly you feel the warmth of the sheet,
And you fall back into a deep, deep sleep
It’s that need for the sheet that represents the need for security;
Whether it’s someone or something
You long for the feeling of being safe in the world,
And this night you feel both happy and peaceful
These types of nights are the ones that we cherish the most

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