Powerthirst | Teen Ink


June 21, 2013
By itsmargie SILVER, Mequon, Wisconsin
itsmargie SILVER, Mequon, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The prime powers of existence:
The comfort of a father’s hold.
The guidance of those above us.
The fuel of our eternally burning fires.

Our planet was once a peaceful place.
Now morphed are the lifestyles of the past.
What was once simplistic, now a struggle.
Common ground recedes like the tide.

What happened?
No one can explain.
We all turned against each other.
But we forget, we remain one and the same.

Countries strive to conquer the rest.
Commanders slaughtering to prove their capacity.
Showing defiance of authority and respect.
No one can fathom the devastating future that awaits.

The alienation of our peers.
The stereotypes that fog our minds.
The desire to control others’ lives.
The imminent consequence of an appetite for power.

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