Emotional Roller Coaster | Teen Ink

Emotional Roller Coaster

June 30, 2013
By why101 SILVER, Waterloo, Iowa
why101 SILVER, Waterloo, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"i hope people buy my art because they like it and not to match they're drapes."

They said that life couldn't get any worse for me. I jerked down. They said life couldn't get any better for me. I flew higher than ever before. Then, it was quiet, and we just kind of rode around in circles for a while. But you know, I think everyone is dealing with their own emotional roller coaster. Sometimes, they're laughing, and yelling for more. And other times, you see tears streaming down their faces, and begging to get off. Some people, like to hide their roller coasters, in the darkest reaches of the amusement park called Life, so that no one can see them, or reach them, at all. Me? Oh. I'm just an average girl. My roller coaster goes up, down, and all around. But the funny thing about roller coasters is that, you're riding in complete darkness, so you can never really see where you're going. But that's the funny thing about this amusement park. There aren't just roller coasters. There are Ferris wheels of imagination, Elevators of good-heartedness, and of course, the Wall of Expectations. You are split into tiny pieces, and every part of you is riding some type of ride, no matter how big, or small. You're always doing something, getting on and off, even though you might not know it. But of course, for teenagers, we're always riding our emotional roller coasters.

The author's comments:
Actually, I was Kind of bored and had nothing to do, so I decided to write a piece about teenage hormones... Yay!

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