the future and the past | Teen Ink

the future and the past

July 20, 2013
By pheonixfire BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
pheonixfire BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Will the waves change because someone swims through them? What has happened has happened and what will happen will happen"

bridging the gap, clearing the haze
but only for the moment
the next gulp wont be you last
you'll be going up numbers fast
the haze only thins
to welcome the coming fog
drowns you in your bog of sins
drink to remember
drink to forget
anything but the lives of present
fallen, broken and bent
because we all must fall
so that we can get back up again
gaining strength to fight the binding chains
so bridge your gap, clear the haze
maybe it will help to stop
the pain of the moment of living

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