Where is love? | Teen Ink

Where is love?

July 24, 2013
By Car17 SILVER, Ingleside, Texas
Car17 SILVER, Ingleside, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrusted upon them."

I've been searching for love about 5 years now. I mean, I do and still love someone, but they are already seeing someone else and doesn't even know I exist. I have loved this person since I was 9 and it seems like every time I see this person, I fall in love 10 times more than the last time I saw them. If only that person knew, or if only that person had feelings for me too. If only? I guess I was always afraid to speak my feelings and now it's too late for me to be with that special person. So I have been searching for love again. I seem to be lost because I still can't get over the same person for over 5 years now. So where is love? Where can I find love? Is there even enough love out there for everyone? I'm still searching, but the question never leaves my mind. Where is love?

The author's comments:
The thing that inspired me to write this is, falling in love with someone who you don't even talk to or who doesn't even know you exist, that you just want to be with that special someone.

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