A Nature's Walk and Donuts | Teen Ink

A Nature's Walk and Donuts

July 24, 2013
By DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't take life too seriously, no one ever makes it out alive anyway.

Twin orphans
Hang silently among the willow branches
Swaying slightly in the January breeze
Cranberry streamers overlapping
Above the blooming clovers
Fill the fields with puzzles and grace

The steep roads
The damp grass
Dotted by stray wilting leaves

Warm sweet fluff
Hides peacefully behind four walls
Their secrets and troubles
Freshly laid out to see
Amongst the scintillating sugar

Never forget what’s behind those walls
No matter which side of them you’re on

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