FINDING ME (my testimony) | Teen Ink

FINDING ME (my testimony)

July 26, 2013
By extra SILVER, Pompano Beach, Florida
extra SILVER, Pompano Beach, Florida
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only god can turn a MESS into a MESSAGE, a TEST into TESTIMON, a TRIAL into a TRIUMPH,a VICTOM into a VICTORY.

Rumors were spreading, tears are shedding ,dreams are becoming a reality seems like i been living in a fantasy not knowing who and where I'm suppose to be. It ain't easy but I'm finding me. the broken peices where on the floor i was to weak to walk out the door.when everyone else walked away i turned to you and pray. they said they care it ain't true because when i looked up the light i seen was coming from head kept on spinning when you came by my side i couldn't do nothing but to keep on winning. step by step i'm rising to the top lord here's my heart i'm giving you all i've got.was running from myself but i really couldn't hide because the lord whispered in my ear "My child you are going to be fine". we were on a great start but i started to fall apart but still you pushed me to keep on trying didn't want to see anymore crying. at times they would say i'm crazy because i just sit around and pray to you daily. forever i'm yours to keep without you i wouldn't be able to sleep. I'm tucking and pulling unto your robe to get higher and higher because in my heart you place a desire. I see myself bowing down at your feet everlasting life i'm on my way to meet. it wasn't easy but i found me.

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