Darkness | Teen Ink


July 29, 2013
By breanna E BRONZE, Albany, New York
breanna E BRONZE, Albany, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm Surrounded by darkness.
There is no light around me.
The darkness inside me...
Oh oh oh.
The darkness inside me fills the pain.
Darkness fills my heart, tearing it apart.
Happiness is at stake.
My sorrow is as deep as a lake.
I'm stuck in the darkness filled with shame,
Thinking nothing will ever be the same.
Oh oh oh.
Darkness filled with Shame,
Thinking nothing will ever be the same.
Oh oh oh.
Darkness is tearing my heart open.
I scream for help but no one was coming.
My lover left me in this pain.
I feel like my soul shattered into a million pieces.
I don't think I will recover again.
I don't think it matters or not.
To fill my heart with your lies the pain is too much to realize.
The drakness is sucking my insiders.
I'm slipping into the darkness it is too far from my happiness.
Do you miss this?
Oh oh oh.
Do you realize what you did?
I'm stuck in the darkness full of shame.
My happiness is at stake and I'm to sure if I'm going to break.
Oh oh oh.
Where's the light through this darkness that is shining so bright.
oh oh oh.
Can anybody save me?
Oh oh oh.
I'm lonely from where I'm standing.
Oh oh oh.
Can anybody hear me?
Oh oh oh.
This darkness is creating my own despair.

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