Nonsensical Reveries | Teen Ink

Nonsensical Reveries

July 30, 2013
By Anonymous

The ethereal vision fills inner chasms
by releasing undulating vibes, but
untouched shadows swivel and choke
and the quiet demon of the clock
drives me into a psychotic neurosis,
undefined in the diagnostic manual
of my unexplainable insanity.

I want to cease the noise
by finding an oasis
where I can drink the liquid of sanity.

Piles of snow iridesce,
fall invisibly in my irises,
snow that I don’t know,
that I don’t want to drench my shoes in.

White on the empty café
melts, releasing a flux of waters,
not from the reservoirs of health,
but the contaminated pond
once inhabited by a million cranes
and one lavender flamingo,
precarious and balancing on one leg only,
holding its snowy fluff,
a cotton candy piece of flesh,
the rare wonder surprised at the
surrounding uniformity.

I push out polished ebony half an inch,
but something sticks, immovable,
in the door’s glaring rift,
that reminds me just in time of
how I long to know, desperately,
how to unlock the entrance to the mind
of the one with that inviting face.

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