Slithering | Teen Ink


July 30, 2013
By MarginallyPoetic SILVER, Eastsound, Washington
MarginallyPoetic SILVER, Eastsound, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Slithering, sliding, seeping,
The dark scales come creeping
A tongue shaped like the devil’s horns
And slits for eyes, open wide

Slithering, skirting, sneaking
The nest is just barely peaking
A bundle of twigs on a bundle of branches
High up, past the trunk.

Cooing, cawing, cackling
The twigs underneath crackling
The wings fold over spotted eggs
Due for hatching soon.

Slithering, skating, slinking
Wraps around without thinking
It wraps its way slowly,
Silently up the tree.

Chirping, chattering, cheeping
Tucking head under wing, sleeping
Getting a fresh start for tomorrow
Bringing food to her new young

Slithering, Shirking, Slipping,
A flash of feathers, sound of ripping
She doesn’t get to see
Her babies beginning to hatch

Slithering, snarling, snatching
The egg just barely hatching
Extinguished by the white fangs of Death.

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