Where You Truly Belong | Teen Ink

Where You Truly Belong

July 31, 2013
By Kolt_16 SILVER, N/A, Nebraska
Kolt_16 SILVER, N/A, Nebraska
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Looking out on all these lights,
I think about all the people,
The people that are wandering,
And looking for a home,
With not a cent to their name,
Yet here they are,
Still breathing and pushing on,
Because they refuse to let the air,
Be choked from their lungs,
They want to keep living,
They want to find their purpose,
They want to find a family,
And call it their home,
A home they never had.

Well, I have a home,
And I found my family,
So darling let me help you find yours,
Because I love you,
Don't want to see you hurt no more,
Because I love you,
And will be your family,
Your storm shelter,
When times are rough,
When times are great,
And forever you can find the love you've been looking for,
In the Father who sits in Heaven,
Calling out your name, child,
To come back to Him,
He knows your name,
He breathed life into your lungs,
He is your family you never knew you had,
Your home that you're searching for,
So turn to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
And find where you truly belong.

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