Wrong Turn | Teen Ink

Wrong Turn

August 5, 2013
By Jovati BRONZE, Oz Pk, New York
Jovati BRONZE, Oz Pk, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone. Al Capone

It is beautiful.
Woven together with good intentions
sprouting greens, a peaceful blue
and nothing but.
Everlasting presence
despite the damage,
Persisting to make itself known;

It is ugly
Covered with the muck of those it saves
The undying pressure to prove one better
better than the blue,
better than the green,
better than the other

Better yet,
Lost in the process

Loss of the true life
Life under the shattered egos
Life in ourselves
Loss of true life

under shattered egos

within ourselves

The author's comments:
Growth, change, competition, you, after getting lost in beauty, the beauty becomes lost

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