Growing Pains | Teen Ink

Growing Pains

August 14, 2013
By justbreathe18 BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
justbreathe18 BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you with to see in the world."

Gave up your childhood to fix a heart
Fourteen and you’ve seen more than
A grown man

Never made a pillow fort,
Couldn’t play pretend
You were to busy keeping your family from the end.
Even as they crashed to the ground.
Your sisters fell without a sound
Older brother kept falling off the horse
And couldn’t get himself back on course.

Watched your mom cry
And heard your dad sigh
As your brother fell again.
If only he knew then
What he knows now.

Sister wonders how
She can fit in
So she tries to hard to be thin.
Other sister’s been hurt and lied to
And you just wish there was something you could do

So you grew up too fast
to make your family last.
Baby carried his family on his back
And sometimes now he looks back
and wished he had the chance to be a grow up on his own
Wishes he’d known
That a child at heart does not a child make.

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