Big Brother | Teen Ink

Big Brother

September 2, 2013
By ShindaVerdomd SILVER, Hilton Head, South Carolina
ShindaVerdomd SILVER, Hilton Head, South Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Normal? What is normal? Normal a setting on a washing machine. No one wants to be that. ~Ashley Purdy

You and me,
Grew up side by side.
You and me,
Exited when I would arrive.
You and me,
Grew apart, while you never had time to consider -
You without me
Blossomed into a proud young man.
Me without you,
I still need to hold someone's hand.
You without me,
Grew to be strong.
Me without you, the words in my skin are not wrong.
You've forgotten me,
I'm proud to have known you.
I'll never forget you,
I can only hope you'll be proud of me too.

The author's comments:
I wrote this one about someone who is not my blood brother, but we were together so often that I considered him my brother when we were children. I wrote this just after we met up when we hadn't seen each other for over seven years.

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