The Dissection | Teen Ink

The Dissection

September 14, 2013
By jordanadaire BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
jordanadaire BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

you are now dead.
you were once living, breathing.
born and raised for one reason
and one reason only...
to be a a classroom.
to be tightly packed and overloaded
with a horrible mess of chemicals
and left in the dark.
now they'll cut you up
disect you.
and for what?
so a bunch of kids who probably wont even grow up to be scientists
they'll be journalists, writers, teachers,
or athletes, drug dealers, dead beats.
but not scientists.
we wont all be scientists
we don't all want to be scientists
we don't all want to do this.
we are repulsed, for the most part.
by this act of so called 'education'
and you would be too.
if you knew you were killed.
and your death was a waste.
you were cut up and thrown away
in a dumpster, where you slowly decay.
you die more and more everyday.
what if all your hopes and dreams,
that you thought you would live to see come true...
just vanished,
they died when you did. a lab.
it was a waste.

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