My Love For You | Teen Ink

My Love For You

September 25, 2013
By KDMiller BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
KDMiller BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

As I gaze into your deep brown eyes,
I see that there my future lies.
Your arms around me wrapped so strong,
More time with you my soul does long.

Soaring through the open sky,
With love for you my heart it flies.
Fresh and sweet like morning air;
My love for you the same I swear.

Your lips meet mine for perfect bliss,
This moment holds a lovely kiss.
In a flawless world no hearts would break,
But to be with you, this risk I'll take.

With your hand in mine
Our hearts combine
with fingers locked and smiles set,
Our love is real I'm sure to bet

Our late night conversations,
set our relationships strong foundation
I can't believe I once held fear,
Away from you I'll never steer.

In my heart you hold a space, Held forever for your embrace.
I love you more than you'll ever know,
From my heart please never go.

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