Lonely Monster Girl | Teen Ink

Lonely Monster Girl

October 3, 2013
By EverR SILVER, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
EverR SILVER, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

monster..........thats me.

the demon from hell

that does everything in her power

to not screw things up but she does anyway.

no one cares for her not at all

. shes alone in a world of sadness and death.

everyone dies happy with someone by their side.

but not me im destined to walk this earth

for and eternity with out any one loving her.

when shes finally happy with someone they leave.

she crys everynight

just waiting for her other to show up, and tell her

"you'll be ok im here and ill never leave your side i promise".

if only someone will keep that promise.

but i guess its impossible with a lonley monster girl like me.

will anyone love me for me?

and whats inside?

or shall i be alone for the rest of eternity?

i want to know my path

before its to late i wish youd understand

the way i feel before i leave

please just give me a chance to feel

what she felt.

The author's comments:
not much to say abut this one. i was pretty emo back when i wrote this.

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