Imitation Poem | Teen Ink

Imitation Poem

October 4, 2013
By Alanna Gordon BRONZE, Roseville, Michigan
Alanna Gordon BRONZE, Roseville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It is the color of the currency that bought the ticket to your first date at the movies, you had already seen it but you just wanted an excuse to be with him. When you two gazed at the sky and talked about your wildest dreams, it was color of the leaves that fell slowly around you. It is the color that tells you to continue on your journey after you’ve rested for a short period of time. It is the color of the stem holding up the sunflower he picked just for you that made all the other girls jealous. When the street lights come on and you can’t leave the porch and you really don’t wanna leave him even though it’s only until tomorrow, it is the color of his eyes iridescently glowing from the light, sending chills down your spine. It’s the color of the lake that stopped you in your tracks before you jumped… he pushed you in anyway. When he tells you that he’s moving over 3,000 miles away it’s the color you feel building up in your stomach making you nauseous. When you stop wearing shorts and tank tops and start wearing coats and gloves, it is the fading color of the grass that lets you know seasons have passed. When your phone lights up with his number on the screen, it is the color that allows you to answer and catch up on old times and new experiences even if its only for a moment its all worth it. But it is also the color of the little monster lurking in the shadows when he tells you he has found someone new. Although the color may bring old memories you have better experiences with it slowly covering the memories, but never fully forgetting the great times you two shared.

The author's comments:
This is an Imitation Poem of Red written by Tyler Ford.
When you dip her in the middle of the dance floor, it is the color of her dress. When she whispers in your ear, it is the color of her lips. When you make love, it is the trace you want her to leave all over your body. When she places her palm over your heart, it is the color that comes to the surface as her fingertips trail like a sentence that can never be finished. When you see her in your bedroom with another, it is the color of your breath. When you smash the vase in the hall, it is the color that threatens you to abandon the shattered pieces. When you scream at the top of your lungs, it is the color that pierces the atmosphere. When she hears you, it is the color of her pulse. When you look in her eyes for the last time, it is the fading color of your heart falling to your knees. It is not the color you see when she leaves.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 30 2013 at 1:05 pm
Alanna Gordon BRONZE, Roseville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Feedback is greatly appreciated (: