Mothers day letter-Memories | Teen Ink

Mothers day letter-Memories

October 7, 2013
By Jackie_son77 BRONZE, Lutz, Florida
Jackie_son77 BRONZE, Lutz, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In my memories,
I recall about amazing things and poor things,
I remember you adopted me immediately,
I remember you bring me to a mysterious theme park,
I remember you and I arguing very defectively,
And I remember you take my procession heartbrokenly.

In my memories,
I recall the things you did for me,
I remember you did my tarnish laundries,
I remember you drive me to school daily,
I remember you instructing me about the self-control,
I remember you cook Delightful food for me all the time.

All these enormous and terrible memories,
All these things that you did are for my good in the future,
Thank you for always stand beside me,
Thank you for always be forbearance for me,
Thank you for always being so solicitude for me
For all of that, I’m wanted to say three words, “I love you!”

The author's comments:
Just to remember how my mom love me and always take care of me no matter what. and how she impact my life.

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