I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

October 7, 2013
By Kaleigh Gonzalez BRONZE, Lutz, Florida
Kaleigh Gonzalez BRONZE, Lutz, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from sunny days and salty water,
Sand in my shoes and rolling waves.
From long nights and late mornings,
Friend’s houses and movie theaters.

I am from family get-togethers,
Football games, volleyball nets, and soccer goals.
From overnight stays with my grandparents,
And days with my aunt.

Having a cousin in the army,
One in college,
And one too young to speak.
This is where I’m from.

I’m from electronics,
Computers, video games, and iPods.
I am from always listening to music,
Blasting it so loud I’m surprised the neighbors don’t complain.

From YouTube and Facebook,
Tumblr and Instagram.
From a loving family,
And a loving God.

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