I Wished Upon a Star One Night in July | Teen Ink

I Wished Upon a Star One Night in July

October 10, 2013
By juliette725 BRONZE, Hopewell, New Jersey
juliette725 BRONZE, Hopewell, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

The sweetness of the summer breeze
The glitter of stars on still water
The inky black of the sky seeping into serene shallows
The nodding trees
That agree with the wind but not with me
The laughing voices across the field
The feeling of being finally free
Your heart calling out to mine
Why does everything come to an end?
The final page
Dusty and crumpling
Is still so quiet and final
The way out of a maze
It’s following us like
A cop car with flashing lights
Lights that dance across the road at night
It hungers to end
The harmony of love
The laughing of friends
This will never happen again

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece when i was at creative writing camp over the summer. This poem is not only about the end of summer, it is about saying goodbye to all of my friends. I will never forget any of you. I have been changed for the better.

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