War with Self | Teen Ink

War with Self

October 18, 2013
By Mik62197 PLATINUM, Linda, California
Mik62197 PLATINUM, Linda, California
23 articles 3 photos 0 comments

I am at war
I am at war with the two parallel beings living inside me
The good the bad
The positive the negative
The creator the destroyer
I cannot choose because the end is inevitable for both
And my indecisive ways impair me

A decision
A decision to choose which path to take
And just as I choose one the other pulls me back
Because I am impaired
Impaired by the indecisive manner of my being that leaves me split

Split in half
But where one half goes the other must follow
The halves cannot depart testing the waters on both sides
They go in together and they come out together

With every action there is a reaction and that is the repercussions you must endure
I am scared of those
Scared of the repercussions of my actions because they are not always good

I am at war
At war with the two opposing forces one just as strong as the other.

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