Destruction's End | Teen Ink

Destruction's End

October 21, 2013
By Saberlain GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
Saberlain GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Welcome to a town that no one knows. It is the run-off of the world, such a random collection of friends and foes.

This place is empty of empathy and love, filled only with hopes of what's above.

One man has much, while another has none, breaking his back under the heat of the sun.

There's a street in this place, a kind of cliff-side bend. This is the place we call Destruction's End.

The protective railing is but an illusion-like compromise, and many a person has, at this place, met their demise.

We pass it every day, by car or by bus. Once in a while, the End claims one of us.

I've lost many a friend to this horror of a road. Fewer and fewer of them left to help share the load.

And I know you may think it too soon, my friend… But it is now my turn to leap off of Destruction’s End.

The author's comments:
Just something I wrote at random, though I'm sure many people can relate their hometowns to this.

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